... but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
2 Peter 3:18

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Waiting


I was listening to Pandora and The Waiting, by Jamie Grace started playing. Jamie Grace is one of my favorite artists because the lyrics to her songs really relate to me.

                                                 THE WAITING   

What will it look like? What will it be like? When my world turns out like you planned. When will I get there? Feels like I'm nowhere. My dreams are like dust in my hair. But I, I know.

Here in the waiting. The waiting. The waiting.

All of the questions, secret confessions, Lord, You'll make sense of it all. And I know it's hard, so I'm letting go of these thoughts that are taking control.

Here in the waiting. The waiting. The waiting.

Oh, and I, I know. I, I, know. This is the waiting.

Oo, the waiting.

And in these times that my patience is tested, You are the love that will never let go.

Here in the waiting.

The waiting.

So I'll be here waiting, waiting, waiting, believing You'll never let go.

Sometimes I feel like my life has never begun, I feel like nothing I do matters. Sort of like Rapunzel, she waited in her tower, anxiously waiting for her life to "begin". One day she decided to leave her tower-she left the place that was safe, the place that was meant for her. She left unprepared, afraid, and naïve. 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love and in purity." 1Timothy 4:12 -Set an example for the believers. My life began 15 years ago when I was born, born with a purpose-to fulfill God's will in my life. Wait, wait in God's peace and timing. Use your youth to be an encouragement to the believers. Do not "wait" for your life to begin, but rather wait for God's marvelous plan to be revealed. He has great plans for you! This spring I waited and waited...and waited for our grass to grow green. Our neighbors grass had turned green early spring, but it seemed like ours would never green. Finally, one day our grass turned a bright and beautiful green and when it did it was thicker and greener than any other lawn. This is what our lives are like. If we step out of God's plan and try to grow on our own, we will not reap fruit, but if we wait in His timing we will grow and produce a great and bountiful harvest of fruit. ~Lindsey


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